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  • Writer's pictureYaima Valdivia

Prompt Engineering the Cuban Chef GPTs

Updated: Jun 17

Image generated with DALL-E by OpenAI

GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) marked a revolutionary step forward in artificial intelligence. My journey in creating a Cuban Chef GPTs was about exploring the art of prompt engineering within the GPTs framework introduced by OpenAI.  GPTs operate on the foundational principle of understanding and generating human-like text. 

The key to unlocking the GPTs potential lies in designing concise yet powerful prompts that guide the AI to deliver precise and contextually relevant outputs. 

My attempt designing the Cuban Chef GPTs emphasized creating a representation that didn't just understand ingredients and recipes but also grasped the cultural subtleties and linguistic nuances necessary to represent Cuban culinary art authentically.

I curated an extensive dataset encompassing traditional Cuban recipes, cooking techniques, and cultural context. This content was the bedrock for the GPTs, tailored to process culinary information while understanding the cultural significance. 

Designing the prompts required a certain familiarity with culinary terminology in both English and Spanish to ensure that the model could interact with users in a culturally coherent manner. 

The prompts were structured to interpret the user's culinary queries accurately and generate responses that were not only relevant but also steeped in the authenticity of Cuban cuisine. 

Well-designed prompts enhance the efficiency of the GPTs, ensuring that the AI can access the appropriate information quickly, reducing the processing load, and improving the model's response time. The user experience is also significantly improved through specialized prompting, leading to more accurate and engaging interactions.

Here is the link to my GPTs. Enjoy exploring the flavors of Cuba through this culinary AI experience; special thanks to Alex Valdivia for the artistry behind the logo.


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